Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 2 - No Junk - I landed in the middle

Week two was very very very CHALLENGING!! I did have two bad days, one was Monday because I went to Monday Night Football w/a friend and had chicken fingers. Sunday - I stayed in all day and watched football and ordered pizza for dinner.

So I'm going to try and keep this goal of no junk another week hoping I do better - I already got invited to Monday Night Football I think I will go but, I just need to make better choices. I can't always avoid these situations so I need to make better decisions. I can't blame it on the bar or being in a bar or because it's football I need to take the responsibility that I am where I am enjoying the company I'm with and watching football. Its breaking that mentality of bar = beer, wine, chicken fingers, chicken wings, pizza, burger, fries, nachos, etc.

Third Weeks Goal - is water 100 oz a day, a daily multivitamin and eating fish at least 1 this week and still no junk! 

Exercise is getting better - last week I exercised 4 hours and 20 min last week, I'm trying to average 5 hours a week so I'm getting close. I discovered the love for a new class it's called Body Combat, I'm going to try and take that class again this week.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week has passed :)

As the week as passed it getting easier to make good choices and stick to the plan!! I did complete 5 hours of exercise last week. My goal is to continue with another 5 hours this week and eat NO junk! I did eat sunflower seeds and 1 candy bar last week.

Already with one week behind me I feel better physically! My clothes are looser again, with the temporary weight gain a few of my pants felt a tad snug but just re-committing myself for a week took care of that bloat.

My biggest issue is being consistent with exercise - My plan for the month is making exercise a regular habit! I also did some grocery shopping last night and picked up a few items, having good choices readily available helps me make better choices. At work I have a few pieces of fruit, sandwich thins, mozzarella cheese and turkey, and a few tomatoes. At home I have go to items like canned chicken breast to make with salsa and cheese I eat inside of a whole wheat tortilla. I also have turkey kielbasa with brown rice, frozen chicken breast, green beans and eggs. Once a week for dinner I like to make breakfast for dinner and I make an egg scramble with protein and veggies.

Here is to Week 2

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 1

Today I re-committed myself to getting on track. Getting on track means less junk: candy, chips, pizza, ice cream, alcohol and exercise MORE.

So far so good, the day started with my morning coffee to open my band up had a protein shake. Lunch is approaching and I have good options for lunch as well my only problem is motivation. I already want to convince myself not to go to step class today!! There really isn't any other class available today so I could start slow and just work out on the treadmill and elliptical. Since this is my first day back and tomorrow I'm taking Boot Camp with a friend I'm thinking treadmill and elliptical might be a better choice so I don't crash and burn the first day.

Here is the plan:

Monday - Zumba or Body Pump
Tuesday - Step or treadmill/elliptical
Wednesday - Boot Camp or Zumba
Thursday - Body Pump
Friday - Zumba
Saturday - Body Pump or Kick Butt Boot Camp
Sunday - Recovery - No Gym

Friday, September 3, 2010

How I got here

I had lap band surgery March 10, 2009, having surgery was the best decision I ever made. I had tried every diet under the sun but nothing with real success that lasted more than a few months.

I would like to lose an additional 50 pounds, I find myself backsliding a bit and I'm hoping by starting to blog I will hold myself accountable to get the "last fifty" pounds off. I would also like to be real, to say that I don't reach for food to console myself would be a lie. I want to learn to stop myself before I reach for food and deal with the issue at hand, whether it be stress, boredom, anger or fear.

I have been heavy my entire life and now that I have found some success there is constant fear. Fear of regaining, fear of not succeeding in getting more weight off, FEAR in general. I lived so long in dispair that I was bound to be heavy my whole life and now that there is hope and I have lost a substantial amount of weight I have this fear that I won't be successful long term.

When I had weight loss surgery I didn't have the goal of being a size 5 or weighing 110 pounds. I have been heavy set person my entire life from child to an adult. I am very realistic with my goal weight 165 even though I'm only 5 '2. I find beauty in fuller figures and overall I want to be healthy and active not just thin. I want to find a weight that I can maintain with some of the habits I know I won't be able to break like my Dad's wonderful homemade Mexican cooking. My Happy Hours with my best friends, FOOTBALL Season, I still want to be able to enjoy life and in my life that includes food. I just don't want to obsess over food ...

I have a few mini goals along the way to fifty.

1. being able to buy a racy costume
2. new boots - tall boots
3. take Christmas photo (to be used in Christmas cards)

We will start with the first three when I accomplish two then I will add two more items to my mini goal list.

As I mentioned I have been backsliding a bit so I started this blog to re-commit myself. Starting Tuesday Sept 7th, I will post daily my efforts to achieve getting this weight off. I will begin with logging my food intake, exercising and sharing all the ups and downs and bumps in the road. I want to be able to exercise 5 times a week so that's my first goal, for 30 days my focus will be hitting the gym or doing videos at home. Once those 30 days have passed I hope to of made exercise a habit instead of a chore and then I will jump on the dreaded scale. (first weigh in Oct 7th)

I'm sure most are wondering why don't I log my start weight now but I haven't been on the scale in sometime and I find myself very vunerable. I fear jumping on the scale now would hurt my efforts more than help plus my overall goal isn't just losing weight but finding myself along the way. So I would like to begin this Fifty journey with exercise.

Join me...